To Make an Appointment

Via email
email referral to
click here

Via Fax
Send your referral to:
Fax (03) 9509 6811

Via Phone
ring (03) 9509 2411

Via Post
Send your referral to:
Suite 18 - Cabrini Malvern
183 Wattletree Road
Victoria 3144
Cabrini Malvern

Suite 18 - Cabrini Malvern
183 Wattletree Road
Victoria 3144
Map click here

Patient Information

For all appointments, you must:
- obtain a letter of referral from your referring doctor
- provide all your health insurance details
- provide all your contact details
For all costs and pricing information,
please ring (03) 9509 2411 during business hours.
Please note - we now offer Medicare Online for eligible outpatient consultations. After paying your account, you receive the Medicare refund directly into your account. Please ask the receptionist for more information.
please ring (03) 9509 2411 during business hours.
Please note - we now offer Medicare Online for eligible outpatient consultations. After paying your account, you receive the Medicare refund directly into your account. Please ask the receptionist for more information.
When you attend for your appointment, please bring with you:
- All relevant scans, Xrays, MRI and CT images. For online images - access to IMED is available. If your scans were performed elsewhere, please check when making appointment.
- A list of all medications that you take
- A list of any allergies
- A list of previous medical illness &/or surgery
For your convenience, we accept Cash, Cheque, and the following cards:

For general enquiries, email gdavis@neurosurgery.net.au