Concussion in Sport
6th International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport

Amsterdam Concussion Meeting
Gavin Davis was a scientific committee member and an integral member of the 6th International Consensus Meeting on Concussion in Sport in Amsterdam, October 2022.
This meeting is the leading international scientific meeting on concussion in sport, and it delivers recommendations and tools for practitioners around the world to use in managing sports concussion.
The summary of the meeting, the Amsterdam Consensus Statement, reflects the current state of knowledge intended to inform clinical practice.
A number of new tools were also developed for health care practitioners, including the SCAT6, Child SCAT6, SCOAT6 and Child SCOAT6.
The CRT6 (Concussion Recognition Tool 6) has been developed for use by all community members, without any medical experience, to assist with early recognition of concussion in adults, adolescents and children.
Click here for more information.
Sport related Concussion is extremely common in adults, adolescents and children. Most people with sport related concussion will have resolution of symptoms in a relatively short time. However, some people with concussion have a longer recovery period. If the athlete returns to sport whilst still symptomatic, the athlete places him/herself at potential risk of long term injury or severe damage to the brain.
If in doubt, sit them out - all athletes with possible or suspected concussion must be removed from the field/track, and are not to return to training or game-play. That is to say - there is NO RETURN TO PLAY ON THE DAY.
All coaches, trainers, umpires/referees, team officials, players, school teachers, and sports-supervisors must ensure that they have an appropriate concussion management plan, and know how to implement the plan during training, game-day and during the off-season.
Schools and sporting clubs that have a Concussion Management Plan in place before an athlete sustains a concussion tend to have improved outcomes in the event that any athlete sustains a concussion.
ALL Schools and Sporting Clubs should develop, implement and regularly review their Concussion Management Plan.
However, certain athletes require more comprehensive concussion management, such as :
- Prolonged symptoms
- Multiple / recurrent concussions
- Concussions with minimal impact force
- Children
- Students - School / University

HeadCheck is an App for Smartphones to help assist with the management of Children and Adolescents with concussion.
For more information click here
Professor Gavin Davis provides an Expert, Comprehensive Concussion Management Programme. If you require an Expert Concussion Assessment, appointments may be made here.
When making the appointment, please inform the receptionist that the appointment is for a detailed concussion assessment.
For information on the Consensus Statement click here.
To download the full BJSM supplement, including the Systematic Review papers, click here.
For Medical Practitioners:
In the acute period (first 72 hours) post concussion:
• SCAT6 - Sport Concussion Assessment Tool - 6th edition. For use in all athletes aged 13 years and over.
• Child SCAT6 Child Sport Concussion Assessment Tool - 6th edition. For use in all child athletes aged 8 - 12 years.
In the subacute period (beyond the first 72 hours) post concussion:
• SCOAT6 - Sport Concussion Office Assessment Tool - 6th edition. For use in all athletes aged 13 years and over.
• Child SCOAT6 Child Sport Concussion Office Assessment Tool - 6th edition. For use in all child athletes aged 8 - 12 years.
• CRT6 - Pocket Concussion Recognition Tool - 6th edition.